Pandoc (Python Library)

By Sébastien Boisgérault, Mines ParisTech

October 18, 2017


Pandoc (Python Library)


This library is still in pre-release; if you want to try it anyway:

$ pip install --user --pre --upgrade pandoc

About Pandoc


Pandoc is the “document swiss army knife” made by John MacFarlane:

  • a (command-line) tool to convert from one format into another,

  • a (Haskell) library, used to analyze, create, transform documents,

  • a document (meta-)model: a formal specification of what a document is.

I am a huge fan of pandoc and use it for pretty much everything I write. I am also a big fan of the Haskell programming language but I am still a newbie… and I am probably not alone! Therefore, to facilitate access to pandoc, I am working on a Python library and documenting this process.


Document Structure


Evolution of the Document Model


JSON Representation


A Pythonic API

coming soon