April 17, 2022
Pioupiou is a nano probabilistic programming language for Python: define and simulate probabilistic models, then use the generated data as you see fit!
>>> import pioupiou as pp
>>> X, E = pp.Uniform(0.0, 1.0), pp.Normal(0.0, 0.01)
>>> Y = 0.5 * X + 1.0 + E
>>> omega = pp.Omega(1000) # 1000 samples
>>> x, y = X(omega), Y(omega)
>>> x
array([6.36961687e-01, ..., 3.80007897e-01])
>>> y
array([1.09588258, ..., 1.14366864])
I am trying to preserve the open-source book of Jacques Harthong (coauthor of the famous “Intuitionnisme 84” text) because its sources are difficult to find on the Internet since his death. As far as I know, the paperback book is also out of print.
A nice article to get started with Bayesian data analysis.